- Jr Tennis Membership: $329 /year
- Benefits..
- Get Member rates for:
- Private /Semi Private Lessons
- Jr Tennis Programs & Academy
- And are able to reserve a tennis court day of.
Little Stars
For children ages 3-5yrs
A terrific first tennis experience for young players. Children learn on a smaller court, with small racquets and special balls designed for little tennis players. Kids learn tennis skills plus hand-eye coordination are worked on in this fun program.
For children ages 6+ yrs
This class is for beginners, no experience necessary. Children will learn the basics, fore & backhand, volleys & serves.
ST1 6-7yrs – 36‘court, red ball
ST2 8+ yrs – 60‘court – orange ball
ST3 10+ yrs – full court – yellow ball
Jr Development
(JD) For children ages 7-11yrs
This advanced beginner to intermediate class is perfect for player ready learn the basics of play. Players will work on top-spin for ground strokes and grips for volleys, plus serves & returns are practiced.
Jr Excellence
(JE) For children ages 9+ yrs
This intermediate to advanced class is for players who passed Jr Development or are approved by a BHC Professional. Children continue perfecting tennis skills.
Session Dates
for Juniors
Spring Session April 14-June 1
Spring 7 weeks, Sun & Mon 6 weeks off May 11 & May 26
Spring Registration is Open
Spring 25’ Tennis
Space is limited! Register online or on the BHC App
New to BHC Programs? You must Create an Account to register! To create an account ~Go to Non-Member Fee to create your account.
(248) 642.8500 | 31555 Southfield Rd., Beverly Hills, MI 48025